Competition for jewellers

Jewellers category for WADA Season-2


Description: Jewellers shall submit a picture of ready "Bridal Necklace set" with Blue sapphire as a primary gemstone and Diamonds or other colored gems as secondary stone. Various surface finishes like enamel, texture, sand blasting, electroplating etc. are also accepted to enhance or embellish the design. Additional gemstones can be used as supporting gem or secondary color.

Gemstone to be Used: Blue Sapphire should be used as the Primary Gemstone. Supported by Diamonds, Pearls or other semi precious stones. Enamel, various textures and surface finishes can also be used. Note: Jewellery made with synthetic sapphires or Glass fill sapphires will not qualify to enter the competition.

Theme for the Design: "Only requirement for this category is the use of Blue sapphire as primary Gemstone. The design theme is open.
Metals to be used: Articles made of Precious metals like, all colors of Gold above 14k, yellow gold, white gold, rose gold , green gold or platinum can participate in the competition. Silver or non precious metals are not accepted in Bridal Jewellery category.

Rules and Regulations

    1. Eligibility: Registered Jewellery Manufacturing retail Company
    2. Metal to be used: Platinum or Gold 14k or above can be used of any color.  Silver or other non precious metals are not accepted.
    3. Gemstone to be used: Cut, Carved, Cabochon, Beads, Drops, Tumble, or any other form of Polished Blue Sapphire of any shape or cut can be used as the primary Gem. Natural Diamond, Pearl or other gemstones can be used as supporting / secondary gemstones. Note: Use of Plastic, wood, glass, steel and brass is not acceptable. (Blue sapphire restriction not applicable in precious Artefacts category)
    4. Entry Fee for each design submission: US$ 200.00 per design. All entry fees are nonrefundable.
    5. Grand Finale processing fee: US $ 800 / AED 3000.00 for each selected design (If selected for Grand Finale)
    6. Entry Fee shall be paid through: Online payment gateway through Credit or Debit card, Direct ATM Deposit, Bank transfer or Cash payment at WAOD office. 
    7. How many entries can I send: Multiple entries in each category can be submitted.
    8. Do I fill a new form for each submission? Yes, each entry shall be submitted with a new form and paid individual entry fee.
    9. How to submit the Design: Register with your email and send all your submissions.
    10. What should be the size of design? Digital image or photograph can be submitted.  A4 size only for printing purposes. Dimensions can be mentioned alongside of the design if its bigger than A4 size.
    11. Disqualification: Plagiarized Designs or any pieces found to be submitted for other design competitions will be considered ineligible to compete at any stage of competition. 
    12. Discretion: WAOD reserves the right to cancel any participant’s entry or disqualify a participant at any given point of time. with internal approval of the Chair of Judges.
    13. Decision: WAOD Chair of Judges is the final deciding making authority for the award decisions.
    14. Submission Criteria stage 1: 2D image in JPG/PNG format can be submitted in application form. 
    15. Submission Criteria stage 2: Once any design is selected for top 10 ,you will be required to submit the original manufactured item.
    16. Designs made by Sketching: 2Views of each design is required. (Front, & Side view) . All mechanism, locking shall be clearly shown and explained in notes. SIDE view of the complete piece is very important to be shown separately in order to qualify for the top 10.
    17. Name and Signature: Designs submitted should NOT have the name of designer, signature, or any kind of marking on the front of design page. 

Jewellery Design submission form
The submitted design/image should be either a ready ornament with complete set as per requirement for Bridal Necklace, Earring, Ring, Bracelet (Optional) 3 pcs set.
The item should be ready in stock on specially manufactured from the submission, but must be submitted in actual by 28th  February to WADA office Dubai or Sharjah if selected by the judges.